
by Grau GmbH



ArduRemote - remote control for your Arduino microcontroller projects.

Remote control for your Arduino microcontroller projects. Display text, buttons, sliders, plots on your Android device from your Arduino.Requires:- a Bluetooth-to-serial module on the Arduino side.No Android programming required. The remote control look&feel is fully controlled by Arduino push-protocol via serial port.Communication protocol (use Arduino "Serial.print", ""):request by ArduRemote: {.} request: get main menu {key} request: select menu item key {key`value} request: change slider to value response from Arduino: {.title`1000|key1~text1|key2~text2|key3~text3} response: create new sub-menu {.title|key~min`value`max`min~unit~scale} response: create menu with slider {.title|key~min`500`1000`0~unit~0.1} response: create menu with slider 0..100 (scale 0.1) {.title|key~min`50`100`0~unit~1} response: create menu with slider 0..100 (scale 1) {.title|key~min`5`10`0~unit~10} response: create menu with slider 0..100 (scale 10) {=battery`300|min`0|battery V`1|charge V`1|charge A`2|capacity Ah`3} response: create plot dialog {=battery`300|battery V`1|charge V`1|charge A`2|capacity Ah`3} response: create plot dialog {:|key1~Commands|key2~Manual|key3~Settings} response: update current menu- bugfix: slider bug